Diablo 4 players have been getting hounded by a repetitive in-game message that indicates cross network play being enabled, and the notifications seem to Diablo 4 Items be growing even more frequent. Blizzard's dungeon-crawling action RPG Diablo 4 has been a major hit as it approaches its first season later this month. Even though fans are eager for the new content, there are many who still remain frustrated over the game's ongoing headaches.
Like many other online RPGs or MMOs, Diablo 4 features a notification feed on the bottom right side of the screen, which keeps players up to date on recent happenings in their surroundings, such as NPC dialogue or actions of other nearby players. In the past weeks, some fans have been memeing a specific Diablo 4 message that keeps relentlessly popping up in players' message boxes. The bright yellow message lets players know that they have cross network play enabled, even when they've turned the option off. While seemingly harmless at first, the message can become annoying and even distracting to a lot of players as it continues to repeatedly fill up the message box.
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On Reddit, Daidot_007 posted a short 10-second clip to the Diablo 4 subreddit of them scrolling through their in-game message feed. Of the 23 messages shown in the clip, 11 of them are the infamous yellow cross network enabled message, often appearing twice or three times in a row. Important information like player actions and dialogue of Diablo 4's NPCs are completely lost in the unrelenting sea of crossplay messages.
It's clear that there's some sort of bug or network issue that's causing this widespread headache for Diablo 4 players. Some players under the post also report that the message is often accompanied by rubber-banding, a more significant problem that sees the player character jolting forward due to lag. Another player questioned why the message even needs to exist in the first place, as the meat of the game's player-to-player interactions are friendly co-op moments where PC users wouldn't have any sort of advantage over console users, even in the Fields of Hatred PvP zones.
With Diablo 4's first season of new content on the horizon, players are wondering if this nuisance will be addressed by Blizzard anytime soon. Since there has yet to be any sort of official acknowledgment of the issue by Blizzard and the frequency of the messages seems to be getting worse, players are growing increasingly concerned. Along with exciting new items and gameplay features, Season of the Malignant is sure to also bring many fixes and improvements to Diablo 4; hopefully, one of buy Diablo 4 materials these fixes will see the end of this crossplay message spam.